Raven Heritage
Team Background
Composed exclusively of Ravens the team of 8 birds is the perfect demonstration of the famous and often reported ability of Ravens to do aerobatic flight.
Displays by the ravens take place in numerous back yards, fields and open spaces all weekends.
The awesome display to the left is carried out by synchro duo RED5 and RED7.
We shouldn't be surprised, hush-hush rumor has it, that the synchro leader RED5 has spent some time at the Tower of London, but flew away... (feeling too much like a writing desk syndrome we suspect)
Red Raven Aerobatic Display Team Technical Details
Active members: 8 Ravens, RED9 is the reserve, usually does the live commentary
Aircraft: raven (noun ra·ven \ˈrā-vən\),glossy-black bird (Corvus corax)
Length: 20 to 30 inches
Weight: 1.5 to 4.5 lbs
Wingspan: 40 to 59 inches
Livery: RED (an homage), feather colour is hypo-allergenic, "Because we are worth it" and totally safe (only humans testing) with shine-extending conditioning
Commentary: Live during shows, all in croak and shrills